How Adding Legal Coverage Boosts Benefits

How Adding Legal Coverage Boosts Your Benefits

How Adding Legal Coverage Boosts Your Benefits


This is the most pressing question posed by brokers and employers when presented with the opportunity to provide legal coverage to their employees. The answer is simple – everyone can benefit from legal insurance. Let’s take a look at the facts.

First and foremost, 70% of full-time working Americans have experienced at least one significant legal event in the past 12 months. The likelihood of one of your employees falling into that 70% is almost guaranteed. Be it a divorce, real estate matter, or end of life arrangement, offer your employees peace of mind by extending a legal benefit as a package add-on.

Secondly, nearly half of employees claim that their loyalty to a company and/or employer would be stronger if their employer offered benefits that catered to their individual needs. Affordable access to legal counsel is desired by nearly 80% of employees, and take it from us, nothing is more individualized than legal matters. A legal plan is one of the most customizable lifestyle benefits on the market and therefore helps your employees navigate any and all legal life events they may face.

Lastly, legal insurance has been proven to enhance standard benefit offerings such as dental, vision, and health care coverage. Want to know how? Take a look at these scenarios:

Sylvia drives her son, Samuel, to the company-paid Daybreak Day Care. While pulling into the carpool lane, a car hits Sylvia’s vehicle, causing extensive damage to the exterior. The driver presses charges against Sylvia for a wrongful left turn.

What’s at play? Legal Insurance, Car Insurance, Childcare Benefits

Xavier attends weekly spin classes at the downtown studio paid for by his employer. He sustains a significant leg injury while riding the studio bike. The studio owners blames Xavier’s  injury on his inexperience a cyclist rather than the loose screw in the bike seat.

What’s at play? Legal Insurance, Wellness Benefits, Medical Insurance

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Thinking of Enrolling?

Group legal insurance plans are one of the fastest growing employer benefits.


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