Group legal insurance plans are one of the fastest growing employer benefits
Identity Theft Coverage
Why Do You Need Identity Theft Protection?
We insure our homes, our health, and our cars. It's just as critical that we protect personal information with a comprehensive Identity Theft Protection plan. In the age of electronic data and the internet, our personal information circulates faster than ever, and criminals are ready to take advantage of you. Identity fraud is happening everywhere, and identity theft recovery can be daunting. By obtaining an Identity Theft Protection plan through your employer, Legal Resources can offer you a host of identity theft services to ensure your information is secure and protected.
Coverage may vary by employer group. Check with your employer for the full list of services your plan provides.
Monitor and Alert
- Personal and Secure Dashboard set up through initial Welcome Email
- Advanced Identity Monitoring
- Change of Address Monitoring
- Social Security Number Monitoring
- Medical Insurance Company Monitoring
- Passport Number Monitoring
- Driver's License Number Monitoring
- Bank Account Number Monitoring
- Credit Card Number Monitoring
- Online Password Reset Alert
- Suspicious Activity Alerts
- Trans Union, Equifax, and Experian Credit Monitoring
- Payday Loan Monitoring
- Telecom Account Monitoring
- Monthly Identity Risk Level Alert
- Junk Mail Opt-Out
- Online Data Protection Tools
- Monthly Credit Report(s) and Scores
- Monthly Credit Score Tracker
- 24/7 Full-Service Restoration provided by Certified Identity Restoration Specialists
- $1 Million of Identity Theft Insurance
- Lost Wallet Assistance
- Emergency Cash and Travel Arrangements