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With the recent onslaught of tropical storms and landfall of Hurricane Elsa, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association’s prediction of an above-normal hurricane season has proven true. There are still several storms to come, too, as the Atlantic hurricane runs through the end of November. Preparation is the first step in protecting yourself from the potentially damaging winds, rain, flooding and more. Read on to find out how.
Survey Your Home
On the next sunny day, take a few minutes to survey the interior and exterior home for any loose fixtures, shingles, shutters, and other detached accessories that could fall due to hurricane-force winds. Secure them and make note of any that might require professional help.
We also recommend you check for any loose limbs or soil erosion that could result in falling trees and subsequent damage to your home. If a tree falls into your neighbor’s yard during the next storm, you could be found liable for damages.
Review Your Insurances
Depending on the severity of Atlantic hurricanes, damage to cars, homes, and other belongings can range from minor to beyond repair. Educate yourself on how to remedy such damage before it happens by reviewing your insurance policies. Check for flood coverage, criteria for a totaled vehicle, roof repair, and more.
Your Legal Plan is a great resource to have in your back pocket should your insurance carrier or home repair specialist refuse to perform in the manner outlined in your contracts.
Have an Evacuation Pack
In high-risk areas, especially those close to the ocean, evacuating during the next hurricane is certainly a possibility. Have a backpack or duffel bag ready to go so that should an evacuation order arise, you don’t have to scramble to collect your belongings. Your packing list should include extra clothes, hygiene products, non-perishable food, water, battery packs, and flashlights.
Charge Up and Shut Down
Power outages are common during hurricane season. To ensure you aren’t without necessary electronics during the next storm, be sure to charge your devices before the hurricane makes landfall. Once they’re fully charged, shut them down so as to not waste battery.
Extra battery packs are great to have for extended power outages, too.
Protect Elderly Loved Ones
The older population, especially those with medical conditions, may need assistance during a storm. Get in touch with neighbors, friends, and family to find out what kind of help they may need. For elderly parents, it may serve you well to arrange a Medical Power of Attorney so that you can help them get access to medication or treatments when they are otherwise unable to contact their doctors during evacuation procedures or power outages.