Our featured stories and legal topics are covered in depth in our "Trending in Legal" section. Here you can find member stories, legal use cases, and news about what is going on in the legal industry. Check out our latest articles and see how you can benefit from getting the most out of your legal benefit.

On the Fence: When to Involve a Lawyer in Neighbor Disputes
When conflicts arise between neighbors, it’s essential to know when a legal professional may be necessary. This guide breaks down common property lin...

8 Things to Know About Divorce
Thinking about divorce? Discover the 8 crucial insights that can help you navigate this life-changing decision with confidence. From understanding co...

What to Expect in Your 50's
We experience several milestones in our lives, especially when we pass from one decade to the next. The big 5-0, however, is arguably the most pivota...

Law Changes and How Legal Benefits Can Help
More than 100 Laws were passed at the beginning of July which included minimum wage increases, animal protections, and even hunting on Sundays.

Legal Benefits and Employee Well-Being
Employers and their employees are focusing on overall well-being more than ever. As the workplace has evolved, employers are now identifying ways to ...

Make the Most of Your Legal Plan
Maximize your employee benefits this year! Many employers provide health insurance, paid time off, and other perks. Yet, year after year, people cont...

Should You Consider Renting Your Home?
The “renting your home” craze has sparked a debate over the rights of tenants and landlords to share space. The conflict is breeding lawsuits, evicti...

6 Areas of Law to Know
At the core of any lawsuit, there is a plaintiff and a defendant. The plaintiff is the party that brings forth charges against the defendant in attem...